
Fallout new vegas mercenary mod
Fallout new vegas mercenary mod

fallout new vegas mercenary mod

Once you pust the switch, The assault on the Enclave Research Outpost begins. So you go and disable the minefield with a switch in a tower on one of the sides of the minefield. When you are about to comense the assault, Colonel Nathan stops you and says you need to disable a minefield surrounding the target.

fallout new vegas mercenary mod fallout new vegas mercenary mod

You then recruit troops in the Barracks for your mission and you can open their inventory and everything. You talk to Janson and tell him the loadouts and he can repair your yhings and sells stuff too. he then wants you to tell Major Janson the chosen weapon loadouts for this mission. you go and do that to a certain two points and return. You head there and speek with the head officer, Colonel Nathan, and tells you to go and scout out the defenses. He tells you how to use them and and gives you the location of the anti-enclave outpost. A few days later, you return and he says that you are the leader of the NCR Anti-Enclave task force and give you two items, an artillery strike marker and a Vertibird assault marker. he tells you to wait a few days and return to him. You then return to Major Carter and tell him the news. you search them both to find out the Enclave has hired the Talon Company, and that they have set up a base near Outer Vegas. once the are all killed, it tells you to search th Enclave sigma team leader and Jacobson Marteen. after dispatching the 3 troops, 3 more NPCs show up, two named Unknown mercenary, the last, Jacobson Marteen.they then attack you. The leader approches you and calls you a tresspasser and attacks you. You go to the source of the brodcast and find a small Enclave post with 3 Enclave soldiers in remnants armor withs some red stripes on them. he wants you to follow the signal and find out it's origan. Now he says that he has picked up a strange, low frequency, coded message, and that he wants to investigate, but the NCR's is conserned on more important matters than a morse code signal. Now, in the Camp McCarran terminal, there is a man named Major Carter. (note that this is a breif overview of this quest, and doesn't get into details)

Fallout new vegas mercenary mod